Middle of Asia – great spot for vacations

When we are wondering of future holidays, many of times we are getting hard time to decide where to go. Nothing weird in that, because since Poland become member of EU, many of new connections were created by small airline companies.

tajikistan vacation

Autor: Col Ford and Natasha de Vere
Źródło: http://www.flickr.com
Polish people are traveling whole around the world, for a penny. So maybe you should try less ordinary destination, like middle of Asia?
You’re probably wondering, what interesting you may see in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan Vacation in those countries would be really great for sure, mainly if you’re fan of nature more offers you can see on website . In this area, you will have a chance to travel trough the dessert, and not empty one, without any plants at all. Up there, plenty national treasures are located, with astonishing panorama and attractions. Also, you can visit Aral Sea, in the past huge lake, which is getting shrink every year, thanks to climate changes. This could be the last time to observe water in there!

Autor: 準建築人手札網站 Forgemind ArchiMedia
Źródło: http://www.flickr.com

Autor: Bố Tony
Źródło: http://www.flickr.com
If you decide to travel to Kazakhstan or Tajikistan vacation of yours won’t be very expensive, it’s guaranteed. Cause since this year, you don’t need any permission to access this land and cheap airline companies created flights in very reasonable price. You only need to reserve it several months earlier, to make sure you’re getting the best deal . Also, you should consider your luggage. Registered is payable, perhaps you don’t have to take that? Carry on alternative is free of charge and it is large enough to fit a lot of your belongings, including cosmetics. And you do not have to be afraid about accommodations, cause prizes of hotels in middle of Asia are low.

Kazakhstan and Tajikistan are really great alternatives for future vacations, you won’t get bored in there. Cheap airline tickets are available from Poland, so you need to book it immediately. You’ll have holidays of your lifetime up there, for sure.
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